Hello, everyone. I'm sorry we kind of dropped out of sight for a day or so. Yesterday was one long day. We checked out of the hotel around 10:40 am and didn't get to the hotel in Guangzhou until almost midnight. The big scare was that once we got to the hotel here in Guangzhou Glenn couldn’t find the passports! We had left them in the van that our guide had picked us up in and they had fallen out of his pocket. Glenn panicked and searched his bags and then ran after the van but they were already gone and Connie (guide) had not given us her telephone #. The problem with the van was that they use a group of vans and you may have a different driver and van each day. Needless to say it was a long day and we finally got into our room after midnight. Jie had gone to sleep in the van and continued to sleep but Nathan was wired and it took him a while to get to sleep.
We were able to go back to the park for a picnic before the flight and were able to get some pictures but the people that weren't doing Tai Chi and the other exercises were gone. Nathan and Jie were able to ride a few rides - The Carousel which both loved and they had a small train that we were able to ride. Nathan scored big time in the big brother area while there. They played a simple game, kind of like a carnival or fair game. They both played and the lady that ran the game gave each one a small plastic duck. They both were holding them and playing with them and all of the sudden Jie didn't have hers. She didn't cry but you could tell she was upset. A minute or so later, Nathan walked up to her and gave her his. It so surprised our guide, Dong that he was flabbergasted and then told Nathan that he was a wonderful big brother. We have email addresses from our guides and the orphanage and they all want to keep in touch. It is actually a small world but our guide in Beijing, Rose knew our guide, Cathy from Chuzhou (Nathan's province). They are good friends.
Today was physical day and passport day (pictures) and paperwork. There are five families that are from CHI and together, sort of, on this trip. We all arrived in Beijing seperately, went to our Province and arrived here seperately and then met at the White Swan today at 9:00 am. The doctor at the physical didn't say much but asked for the medical report (thankfully I took it this time, last time I didn't) and made a copy. She couldn't make sense of "bending femurs" either. At the ENT part, the doctor snapped her fingers in Jie's ears and that was the hearing test! Anyway, I guess we passed because everything is done. Yeah! All we have to do now is wait on Monday for a call from Connie (she is the one that actually goes to the Consulate appt.) and then we have to go to the swearing in ceremony, I think on Wednesday. It is very anticlimatic.
Jie is fitting in better and better all of the time. She does have a temper, yesterday on the plane she wanted to go to the bathroom and it was occupied and she kicked the door! Her number 3 and 4 words have been no, no (which she is hearing a lot) and bye bye. We were at the airport and they were watching planes take off and they were both waving and saying bye bye to each plane. We asked her "nurse" how to discipline her and she said if she was being particularly naughty we should ignore and look away. It works very well - Today when we were trying to fill out all of the forms (1 1/2 hours) they were playing in a chair and they had been very good but when Nathan was chasing her a little she hauled off and hit him with her doll. I told her no, removed Nathan and then purposely turned my head and ignored her. She stood still and then finally became a little teary eyed and so I picked her up and held her and she went to sleep. They were both very tired.
Oh, I keep forgetting to tell everyone the reason for the teeth. She was in a car accident (we don't know when) and they were knocked out. I am not sure what we will do - she does have problems eating anything that she has to bite like an apple or meat. She does eat a lot of noodles and rice, she chocked a little on a dumpling filling tonight. Oh, success on one front tonight. Since we picked her up she has been passive about putting on or taking off clothes. Tonight we were getting ready for the bath and she took off everything but her top which had to go over her head. Also, I picked up one of her sandals and mine and said "come on Jie let's put your shoes away" and she picked up the one sandal and went looking for the other one and put it away. She is very neat and will fold her clothes and put things away. She spent almost an hour on the plane yesterday looking at a Chinese magazine. It was surreal, Nathan was playing with something, she was looking at a magazine and I was reading a book! Her relationship with Glenn is getting better, she is still a Mama's girl, no doubt about it but Glenn was playing with Nathan as we walked down the hall to dinner and started growling and tickling her and she started running and laughing and playing too. She went to him to read a book with a little urging tonight and that was a good sign. I hear that we have a new member of our family and we are so excited. Thomas Glenn sounds like a hefty little boy and I hear that Mother and child are doing great. It is late and so I am going to bed, this won't get posted until tomorrow as we will send it from the business part of the Concierge lounge. Looking forward to coming home! Love everyone and miss you - Mama
Shelly and Kathie, do you remember the twin girls a couple of months ago that were on the list and they were so beautiful? They and their parents are here to complete the adoption. Their names are Sage and Sophie and are two pretty girls and they are tiny. Jie is really not small at all, atleast not compared to the other children. Connie, the guide took one look at her and said "She isn't Han" which would be the group that she came from. She has almost round eyes that are very pretty and
everyone is always saying she is so pretty. In fact, most people think Nathan and Jie are biological brother and sister as much as they look a lot except for the
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